If you are running a Customer Advisory Board meeting in Q4, 2020 or planning for 2021, here are three articles that will guide you to success.
1) 10 Tips for Driving a Successful Virtual Advisory Board Program
Throughout 2020 I’ve been coaching B2B companies on how to transition their in-person Customer Advisory Board and Partner Advisory Board programs into a useful, productive virtual model. Here are 10 tips to make your virtual advisory board program successful.
2) How one company is transforming their Customer Advisory Board into a Virtual Community
The Customer Advisory Board (CAB) program has always relied on personal human connection. But when meeting in person is not an option, is the CAB dead? Hardly! In fact, it is more important now. Here’s how one enterprise company is transforming their CAB into a virtual community.

Keeping in constant contact with customers and partners allows you to alter course as conditions change.
3) Why frequent touch-points with top customers (and partners) is more vital than ever in 2020
Staying close to your best customers and partners is critical to your business’ future success. This is the only way to know how and when to alter course as business conditions change. It’s like sailing: you have to tack into or against the wind, all while keeping fixed on a set destination. And there’s a lot of that going on right now. Here’s what you can do to stay connected as you sail onward.
For more information . . .
With a specialty in Customer Advisory Boards and Partner Advisory Boards, Mike Gospe is a professional facilitator with 20 years of facilitation experience. He’s helped some of today’s most innovative companies deliver more than 100 world-class CAB meetings. He leads KickStart Alliance‘s CAB practice. Check out more of his best practices articles and videos on his CAB Resource Center. Contact Mike