Looking for sales training?  Here are some options.  For individuals, there are great publicly available training programs that individuals can attend.  For large companies, consider bringing the training in-house.  For any size company, use a sales training professional to create your own customized training and to integrate it into your sales operations, like KickStart Alliance.

Sales training has the most powerful impact when it is the foundation for common language in sales, integrated with your CRM (like Salesforce.com or others), aligned with marketing programs and customized to fit your unique business needs. KickStart Alliance can help you accomplish those important goals.

Below are some great public sales training choices.  Programs with books are at the top of the list because they provide reinforcement of concepts and allows you to infuse the core concepts throughout the organization to executive staff, marketing, product management and beyond.  Customized training programs can be based on these books or a combination to fit your needs.