Week 2: Customers First in Singapore

Week 2: Customers First in Singapore

Week 2 was spent in Singapore working with a large global networking company delivering workshops on Customer-Centric Selling. This highly successful networking company realized that their sales teams were focused on “pushing” products and fulfilling customer needs....

Week 1: Innovation in Santiago, Chile

Embarking on a 5-week around-the-world business trip is both exciting and daunting.  This first week in Santiago, Chile was exciting.  There is a great deal of innovation, invention and new ideas that are developing here.  Work with SRI International’s...

Tips for handling customers that are slow to act

A common business problem is “the slowness in which people act.”  This is a situational problem but there are a number of common issues that affect customers, clients and partners that you are doing business with. Important need.  In a buyer-seller...

What CEOs Think of Sales

Is your sales force getting the company to reach its strategic objectives? Most CEOs say NO. At the Forrester Research “Technology Sales Enablement Forum” in February George Colony, CEO of Forrester Research, talked about the problems that sales faces, how CEOs would...