Week 3: Innovation in Malaysia

Week 3 was spent in Malaysia. The World Economic Forum considers Malaysia a ”developing” country and the signs of progress are everywhere. This week in Malaysia was all business.  I met up with 2 other colleagues from SRI International and we had a full week of...
Week 2: Customers First in Singapore

Week 2: Customers First in Singapore

Week 2 was spent in Singapore working with a large global networking company delivering workshops on Customer-Centric Selling. This highly successful networking company realized that their sales teams were focused on “pushing” products and fulfilling customer needs....

Introducing the Insanely Great Customer Journey

In January 2013, Forrester published 2013 B2B CMO Imperatives – Driving Growth With Customer Insights, Marketing Automation, and Content Marketing by Sheryl Waksman-Pattek. The report states that we are in the “Age of the Customer” in which 60% of...